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Long overdue news about a few projects

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I am definitely still in the fight, but the health took a major beating over the last couple of months and I most definitely took a few steps backwards. Enough about that or I'll end up in some rant about something totally off topic.

Now that SmiteWorks has released 3.2.0 (yeah, I know 3.2.1 is out now), I had to do a bit of rework on Weird Wars and the other projects I had in the queue or simmering. Here is a quick update on all of them.

Weird Wars Rome - the 3.2.0 compatible version I believe is available now. On review of the theme I submitted to go with it, Mr. lokiare and his non standard resolution found a bug. I think I have fixed it, but I am waiting to hear back on his resolution before I submit the fix. JPG (Moon Wizard) actually did pretty much all the work to bring WWR to 3.2.0 guidelines, but I fixed a couple of persistent typos in it.

Winter Eternal - This was completed and in review before the onset of 3.2.0. Since that release and per the policies put in place by SW with the arrival of the newest FG patch, the modules needed a bit of a rework. That rework is now complete, and they are in for review again. So, what you'll see now is the WE setting book with all the one sheets and pregens released by +Just Insert Imagination as one product (as 3 modules - player/gm guides, onesheets/pregens). WE Adventure Guide: The Wasteland is a separate product.

The Last Parsec- This was almost done before 3.2.0. Now TLP Core, Archetypes, and Omariss Death Worm are all in the queue awaiting review. I do have to make a couple of changes due to the fact that setting requires the use of Pinnacle's Science Fiction Companion. Doug and the gang have a policy of not wanting a FG module to absolutely require anything other than FG itself and the base ruleset to use. The Last Parsec is a bit of a oddity in that regard, so I needed to make sure that the requirement is noted in the modules and visible to users. That has been done and the modules are awaiting review. They want you to buy their products, but they don't want to HAVE to buy other FG product.

Tropicana - The main setting book is almost complete, only a couple of entries from the Bestiary to go. I hope to have all the released Tropicana material converted and into SmiteWorks next week, More to come.

Expanding Classes - For the Castles and Crusades ruleset is at the point where I have somebody else check it out and let me know if there are any broken links or typos I missed, or if there is anything else I need to change. I am also contemplating doing it over in the refmanual format as the flow of modules is way better. More info to come once I decide.

What's coming up on my list? Frank Turfler's Heart of Darkness for the Savage Worlds ruleset, I actually have it started and will wrap it up once I have Tropicana finished. I have oodles of time for at least the next 6 months - likely far longer - so I plan on trying to single-handedly swamp James at SmiteWorks!

Beyond that I have pretty much all the released material for Last Parsec and all the released adventures for Weird Wars Rome so those are definitely on the horizon. More from Castles and Crusades as well. I will need to do some coordinating with Talyn to avoid any unintentional overlap. Between us, C&C is going to get some decent coverage.

During my recent stint in the hospital my kids bought me a pile of "reading" material through RPGnow/DrivethruRPG. About three fourths of it was third party 5E material. Up until that point the only 5E product I owned in any form was the Deuluxe PHB on Fantasy Grounds. If I can ever completely figure out all the syntax, I will look into maybe converting some of that over as well.

As always....flame away!

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