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Let’s Use the Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension

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Effect Display in the Player‘s Combat Tracker

This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. An index can be found here.

Effects can be added to the Combat Tracker in a multitude of ways. They can be added using the Effects Manager button in the upper right corner of FG’s desktop. The GM can add an effect using the little green “Add Effects” button in the Combat Tracker. Or a player can inflict or target another character with an effect using the Actions tab of the character sheet, for instance when a spell is cast.

When an effect is added to the Combat Tracker, without the use of the EVOE, the default visibility is VSBL (visible to everyone). However, if the EVOE is employed, the default visibility is GM (visible to the GM only). Each effect’s visibility can be independently controlled by the GM. This means, it is up to the GM as to who sees which effect.

Below is an image I’ve constructed to illustrate visibility settings and their affect on what different players see in their Combat Tracker. I set up four instances of FG, a host (the GM), and three players (Krystryd, A Paladin and Jimmy the Greek). The image is a collage of portions of the Combat Tracker from each of the four instances. The GM’s Combat Tracker is shown on the left, Krystryd’s the upper right , A Paladin’s middle right and Jimmy’s to the lower right (each as indicated with a red X). Note the visibility settings for each of the four effects shown in the GM’s Combat Tracker. “Poisoned” has a visibility set to VSBL. Note that that effect appears in the snippet of every player. The “ATK +2” effect has a visibility setting of GM and therefore does not appear in any of the player Combat Trackers. “DMG: +1d4” has a visibility of TRGT meaning that the GM and the target, Jimmy, should see it in their Combat Trackers. Note that the snippet of Jimmy’s Combat Tracker does show the “DMG: +1d4” effect, while it is absent from the other two player snippets. Finally “RESIST: cold” was applied to Jimmy by Krystryd, she targeted Jimmy with the effect. Its visibility was set to SORC in the GM’s Combat Tracker and so it should be visible to both Jimmy (the target) and Krystryd (the source). A perusal of the snippets shows this to be true; the Paladin (middle right) is the only character unaware of Jimmy’s resistance to cold.

Attachment 15265

This blog post was written using EVOE v0.1.0.

The Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension (EVOE) can be downloaded here.

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Updated November 3rd, 2016 at 15:27 by Minty23185Fresh (Very minor typo change.)




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