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Life after GenCon

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First, I'd like to extend a special thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth at GenCon. It was a long 5 days, but I enjoyed meeting members of the community and, hopefully, we encouraged a few more people become Fantasy Grounds users.

Work continues on the port, as expected. The majority of the work on the controls is complete. Anyone who has built a ruleset or an extension knows that the all of the desktop objects are built of a series of controls: windows, buttons, formattedtext, etc. That's the bulk of what you see during an FG session. I'm focusing more now on the singleton objects like the radial menu.

In my copious free time, I still like to get some work in on the fun stuff. Doug had commented on the previous line-of-sight (LOS) video that it would be great if an image could be used as a mask for the LOS occlusion. We don't want to do per pixel LOS calculations, both for performance and memory—but we could trace the image alpha and generate the occluders from that. On Saturday, I added some tech to the LOS preview to do just that.

In the sample video, the mask generates 814 occluder segments in 2.8 seconds (the time varies based on map size and complexity). Even with the time to create the mask in Photoshop, that's a pretty big time savings. Most of the mask was created using magic wand selections, so that didn't take too much time either.

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  1. ddavison's Avatar
    Magic Wand is soooo very nice. Great work, as always!
  2. damned's Avatar
    Woohoo! Nice work Carl.
  3. demonsbane's Avatar
    It looks great.

    I wonder if it will be possible to arrange the LOS trace inside the FG app, with the drawing tools, without needing an external app like Photoshop.
  4. pindercarl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by demonsbane
    It looks great.

    I wonder if it will be possible to arrange the LOS trace inside the FG app, with the drawing tools, without needing an external app like Photoshop.
    The drawing tools will be overhauled, but we don't know yet what that will look like.
  5. MarianDz's Avatar
    Great 2,8 seconds isn't bad.
    Mr. pindercarl you filled us with hope thanx for your hard work and another info's about LOS evolution.
    Updated August 24th, 2016 at 21:27 by MarianDz
  6. Phystus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl
    The drawing tools will be overhauled, but we don't know yet what that will look like.
    That's the second bit of good news from this post!

    The LOS preview looks really cool. Nice work! I'll be very glad to see the improved drawing tools as well. Even some very basic improvements like multiple colors and line width would be a big help.

    BTW, it was very nice to meet you at GenCon.
  7. Paranormal GM's Avatar

    Looking good. Dont forget that LoS needs to be able to handle open/closed doors and the ability to adjust for that on the fly.
  8. demonsbane's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl
    The drawing tools will be overhauled, but we don't know yet what that will look like.
    For what is worth, so far I've been loving pressure sensitivity for pen tablets inside Fantasy Grounds. It's great for sketchs on the fly, very "paper and pencil".

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