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A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Change Effect Visibility with One Line (Part 3)

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Due to posting limits, I have had to split this session into three posts.
This is part 3 of 3.

(continued from part 2)

To test the extension, I deleted all the effects that were applied to the Orc, saved all my edited files, and reloaded the ruleset. Once FG was up I started a second instance of FG and joined the campaign. In the second instance I loaded Zacchaeus’s 20th level Paladin and brought up the Combat Tracker. Then I started a third instance of FG, joined the campaign, loaded a 5E character I have on disk, and brought up the Combat Tracker.

In the host, or GM instance, of FG I brought up the Combat Tracker and Effects Manager and then Paralyzed the Orc. Note what does and does not appear in the console for the host session.

Runtime Notice: Host session started
Network Notice: 'Client1' connected
Network Notice: 'Client2' connected
Runtime Notice: s'TWD|manager_effect.lua|addEffect()|status' | s'Arrived in EXT'
The last line shows me that the addEffect( ) function in the extension executed and not the function in the 5E ruleset. The extension overrode the 5E functionality, exactly as desired.

In instance two I used the Paladin’s Nature’s Wrath to restrain the Orc. The same Runtime Notice appears in the host’s console, again indicating the extension’s code executed rather than the 5E addEffect( ) code.

Following, are three screen shots, one for each instance of FG. In the first screenshot, that of the host instance, note that both effects have an initial visibility of GM instead of VSBL. Also note how the Paralyzed effect is reported in the Chat, with the additional question mark icon, while the Paladin’s restrained effect is reported as it usually is.

Attachment 14325

The second screenshot is of the client instance that employ’s the Paladin. Note that no effects are displayed for the Orc in the Combat Tracker but the restrained effect has been reported as being applied to the Orc in the Chat. A bit paradoxical, but it might be just the behavior I want. I have to think on it!

Attachment 14326

The second client instance is shown in the third screenshot. Note that none of the effects are shown in the Combat Tracker nor were any of them reported in the Chat. Exactly as desired!

Attachment 14327

Now for an analysis of my work. Did I accomplish what I set out to do? I think so. But with some caveats. Is the extension ready for release? I think not. For one, I really don’t like the idea of having to copy the entire contents of the manager_effect.lua file to my extension. I want to explore alternative solutions to that next time. Also, if I inflict an effect using the Add Effect button on the Combat Tracker, the initial visibility comes up VSBL. The effect is not reported in the Chat nor on either client’s Combat Tracker, so this might be moot, but it’s undesired inconsistent behavior. There is some more learning to do and I am really looking forward to it!

Until next time keep on role playing.

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Updated June 9th, 2016 at 18:51 by Minty23185Fresh




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