Fantasy Grounds Prep Less. Play More.
I will explain how I have set up my Fantasy Grounds development environment to make it easier for me to go into the rulesets, edit them and observe how it affects FG. Detour: As a prospective content developer you must be familiar with the Windows (or whatever OS you’re using) folder or directory structure and you must know how to manipulate it: make folders, copy and rename files, create shortcuts, etc. I am assuming that you have this knowledge. Nobody enjoys, End ...
Updated May 18th, 2016 at 02:56 by Minty23185Fresh
This time I’ll talk about information: Smiteworks online documents and web pages, outside web sites, coding tutorials, and code editors. Detour: In this and future blog posts I will mark little excursions into off topic or background information with a “Detour”. This time it will be the typical disclaimer: All recommendations made by me, are simply that, mine. They in no way reflect the opinions or policies of Smiteworks nor are they endorsements by Smiteworks. Fantasy ...
Updated May 6th, 2016 at 00:28 by Minty23185Fresh
In my previous post I wrote about the difficulties I had with scanning my old campaign area maps from paper into a digital form so I could use them in FG. As you’ll recall, it didn’t go very well. But of course, campaign maps aren’t the only maps we have to deal with as a GM. We have to make dungeon maps as well. And while I was scanning maps, I scanned some dungeon maps along with the campaign maps to see how that would go. I’m sorry to report it went even more poorly than had ...
For the update this time around I am doing something a little bit different. Normally, what I do after a couple days of working on the Winter Eternal module is post some screen shots of what has been accomplished on G+ and share them only with Morne Schaap and Eric Lamoureux (know around here as Mask_of Winter). I then get their feedback and suggestions, make any changes that come out of that, at that point I make an update post here. Incidentally, the two of them have been fantastic to work with ...
One can look up “extensibility” on line and get some lengthy explanations. The concept and implementation of extensibility is complicated, but the meaning boils down to this: a principle or methodology of software design that allows for the program to be added to (extended) without having to modify the fundamental program. In other words, you can kludge things on! Let’s take an example, the simple shovel. It is usable by many different kinds of people. Gardeners, ditch diggers, ...