Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. How To - create an Alchemist's Fire

    Entry to show how one might go about creating items / feats / traits within the Character Sheet's Action Tab; to allow a player to track the usage of certain things that have effects.

    In this particular case an Alchemist's Fire can be used 1 time, unless you’ve more in your inventory! For this How To I will assume that the player has blown gp and bought 2x Alchemist's Fires (i.e. if you have more in your inventory just change the X in step 6 accordingly).

    Within ...
  2. Now Hiring - Apply today!

    With the success of our recent Kickstarter campaign, we wanted to invest back into the future of the platform some more. We are looking to hire one or more people. We may only end up bringing on one person in the immediate short-term, but we would like to look across all three roles for the best candidate.

    Location: Remote, but must be in the United States for tax and accounting reasons. You will need to be able to work from home.
    Position Type: Full-time

    Ruleset ...

    Updated June 4th, 2019 at 22:33 by ddavison

    Tags: job posting
  3. What image editor should I use?

    I've had several people lately ask me what photo editing software I use and what would I recommend for them to use. For the past 30 years, I have been the web guy and senior programmer for several marketing companies and Photoshop is absolutely required. I realize that most people don't have the time, inclination, and sometimes the financial resources to learn and use Photoshop, so here's some alternatives that are available.

    Canva Photo Editor (FREE) - ...
  4. Looking for DM Western Europe

    Hello! We are looking for a DM that is available on the weekends in the Western Europe time zone, two of us are in Germany, and two of us are the UK.

    Message me if you're interested!
    Tags: lfdm
  5. My PERSONAL State of the Union for Fantasy Grounds

    by , December 18th, 2019 at 18:18 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Hey everyone.

    I just wanted to do a State of the Fantasy Grounds Union blog. At least for me.

    For anyone who has heard my name, you know that I am HEAVILY involved in the community. Fantasy Grounds really did save my life, see previous blog entry.

    As 2019 closes out, I have been reflecting on what exactly my involvement has been in the last 4 years...

    This will seem (and perhaps is intended to be) a bit self-congratulatory but only because ...

    Updated April 9th, 2021 at 18:42 by rob2e

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
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