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  1. Let's Talk - Mental Illness

    Today is Bell Let's Talk day.


    Please do your part and reach out to someone you know if you suspect they may be going through this challenge. Even a few years ago I personally never thought a day like this would have much meaning for me; now I realize that it does.

    Bell will donate $0.05 to mental health initiatives for every:

    [LIST][*]Text message sent by a Bell or Bell Aliant customer only. Regular ...
  2. Happy New Year!

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    I hope everyone had a great 2013 and may you have many, many great FG games in 2014. Here is to bigger an better things!

    Looking back on 2013, here are some highlights of things that stood out to me (in no particular order):
    1. We had two FG Cons in 1 year
    2. Rolemaster Classic got a much needed overhaul
    3. We added another 30 add-ons
    4. Deadlands Noir and Hell on Earth released for FG's Savage Worlds ruleset
    5. Version 3.0 was released and brings many of the rulesets
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