Cosmere RPG Beta Launch

Blog Comments

  1. Tempered7's Avatar
    UPDATE: I was testing JimSocks' Content Gen 2020 for my guide's module and I'm having problems on generating from templates. It might be because I borked the campaign by first loading extensions then removing them. Or the gen is old and the new theme update has conflicts. DndSpeak tables still have enough content though. I will open a topic about it in forums later.

    EDIT: It's working. I just broke my campaign.
    Updated August 20th, 2024 at 14:57 by Tempered7
  2. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDIT: A Solo RPG System includes everything in here in one book but with its own setting. I'm not in that loop since forever so I can't remember all the settings I tried but Ironsworn and SoloDark are two recent ones. There are old and new Dungeon Crawl (Diablo Style in an empty hex map + random tables) solo systems, too.

    EDIT X2: Not "hex" crawl, corrected to "dungeon" crawl.
    Updated August 25th, 2024 at 06:51 by Tempered7
  3. Tempered7's Avatar
    ADDED to Resources:

  4. Tempered7's Avatar
    Updated August 25th, 2024 at 02:48 by Tempered7
  5. Tempered7's Avatar
    ADDED: Similarities & Contrast

    • Similarity Provides Structure and Stability
    • Contrast Piques Your Interest
  6. Tempered7's Avatar
    Added to comments: I forgot NPC Emotion Generator.
    Scroll down to roll.
  7. Tempered7's Avatar
    Wait for me as I'll turn these into a game template in the Module version of the guide. And guide you through them.
    Updated August 15th, 2024 at 16:46 by Tempered7
  8. Tempered7's Avatar
    10k character limit is too restricting for what I wanted to do.

    I'm preparing my guide as a FGU module and you will be able to play this with free content from FGU website and pay what you want content from dmsguild. Without world limit, I can give you ways to create YOUR own content, better. But there are other topics I should write first to complete the guide.
    Updated August 15th, 2024 at 21:53 by Tempered7
  9. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Do you remember the epic plot twist in 1995 crime thriller "The Usual Suspects" where a crippled con-artist called Verbal (Kevin Spacey) created the legend of a shadowy crime lord Kayser Söze in front of a US Customs Agent?
    Updated August 14th, 2024 at 05:19 by Tempered7
  10. Tempered7's Avatar
    Another Example:

    Step 2 - My objects: toothbrush, soap, tube of lipstick.
    Step 3 - d8 Roll: 2. Sudden Reversal. (My PC's fortune: dead end -> hope).
    Step 4 - Linking: My PC investigates the old man in the tavern and founds an empty tube of lipstick that is filled with solid soap in where he stayed last night. He must have forgotten it in his room. Grabbing the toothbrush that's left in a drawer and removing the soap, he reveals the note that will solve the case!

    New Quest: Read the note and use it as a clue.
  11. Tempered7's Avatar
    My Example:

    Step 2 - My words:
    Greeting, provision, master.
    Step 3 - d8 Roll: 7. Flashback
    Step 4 - Linking: My PC has a flashback of visions where he remembers his master (patron) greets him and provides him the info that now seems suspicious. Ties to the context: My patron stinks and this old man could be his employee to misdirect me to my doom.

    New Quest: I must find out why!
  12. Tempered7's Avatar
    I polished this entry. Boy, do I write chaotically.
  13. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDIT: I just downloaded it. In the free pdf there are rules / oracle, prompts and dungeon name gen BUT for npc / monster resources, you will need Shadow Dark RPG itself.
  14. Tempered7's Avatar
    For years, I always wanted to add a peaceful conflict resolution song to this list but every time I try, my eyes catch the March of Cambreadth and all of a sudden I SEND THOSE B*ST*RDS BACK TO HELL!
    Updated August 18th, 2024 at 17:05 by Tempered7
  15. Tempered7's Avatar
  16. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDIT: I just remembered where did I learn Starting Game Mastery part:
    Solo Game Master's Guide (book) by Geek Gamers
    Her channel. Sorry to her for not giving credit, before.

    "She’s the only one who could take 3 pebbles, a stone, and 5 sticks and create some awesome RPG."– Comment on Geek Gamers
  17. Tempered7's Avatar
    Added: Epic Solo: Behind the DM Screen (Season One)
  18. Tempered7's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by hvLom
    *bs links was here*
    Day 161: Watching botminators with their links, it was suddenly so clear. The botminators would never stop. They would never leave me. And I will never click their links. But they will always be there. And anti-bot measures will die to protect us. On the other hand, this is the most social interaction I've had in months, so maybe... just maybe I should raise the white flag and play some RPGs with them. It would be the sane choice in an insane world. Nah, just kidding! DA DUN DUN DA DUN!

    Temper Connor,
    Updated August 9th, 2024 at 13:10 by Tempered7
  19. Tempered7's Avatar
    Added: The Arcane Library's SoloDark Episode 1: Aberrant Attack:
  20. Tempered7's Avatar
    NOTE: Can't add Rapture Video for Environmental Stroytelling section because of too long word count, so here it is:
    The "story" is what you see in the video, especially in the comparison of what the environment "was" before.
    It's not in this video but if you played the game (Bioshock), there were even parts in the environment that tells the philosophical foundations of the the place.
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