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Solo Play Resources

Reviews of Oracles, Supplements, Solo Settings, and everything in between.

  1. Thematic Muses For Everyone - A for Action

    Some muses knocked on my door tonight and they want to buy everyone a round! Here's a partial list of my thematic listening goodies to bring you into the mood you want for your campaigns. Successor to the Muses Series, the first entry is for action themes that you can use for your quests. I'm aware that the quote from previous article doesn't tell you HOW to get inspiration from these lyrics or music Consciously. Let me expand on the method;
    Think of these OR your favorite songs, books, with

    Updated Yesterday at 17:28 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
  2. Mythic Game Master Emulator v2 (Paid Module)

    What is Mythic GME?
    The Mythic Game Master Emulator replaces a live Game Master with a set of rules that emulate a GM’s creative decision-making, allowing you to play any role-playing game solo or in a group without a designated person to run things.

    Mythic becomes your GM, answering your questions and progressing the adventure one step at a time.

    While the system is based in your expectations (of events) and interpretations, it’s designed to periodically subvert

    Updated January 30th, 2025 at 19:51 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
  3. Solo Gameplay Podcasts

    Legend of the Bones by Simon

    ! For Mature Audience ! Frequent detailed descriptions of violence and other mature themes. Listener Discretion Advised.

    Grim, Gritty and Grounded! Legend of the Bones is a hybrid of solo Old School Dungeons & Dragons actual play, and dark fantasy audio drama. A story where the roll of the bones determines all. ...

    Updated January 30th, 2025 at 19:20 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
  4. The Adventurer's Toolbox (Paid Module)

    D&D 5E ONLY

    Since Mythic GM Emulator can be used with any setting, I started my guide with it. But if you want to play D&D 5E and need lots of tables, a method for Solo D&D, and a simple oracle all-in-one, 25$ The Toolbox module can meet the demand.

    NOTE: This module can only be used within D&D 5e ruleset. It has links to 2014 core books (DMG, MM) and without an update, 2024 core books will not be supported.

    NOTE 2:
    You'll need 2014 versions ...

    Updated February 11th, 2025 at 07:27 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
  5. FlexTale's FlexCrawl Tile Theme Pack DNG-01 Is Currently Free

    I found this small dungeon crawl map / tiles set (PDF + images) in Drivethrurpg and it is currently free.
    Images are high res so they need to be downscaled to be used in FGU.
    It comes with a PDF book that explains what is what. But of course, it's not a FGU module.
    You can use it as a Solo Dungeon Crawler with the rules from the PDF, or use the tiles in FGU Map Tool to create your own dungeon.

    What's Included

    Each FlexCrawl Theme Pack features:

    Updated August 29th, 2024 at 22:03 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
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