Blog Comments

  1. elainejeske's Avatar
    Great work. I really like your blogs.
    pizza tower
  2. DrakePD's Avatar
    Cough...cough.... I need this now....whats the hold up??
  3. ATQWY's Avatar
    I've found that its best to create for only one person. Because the time, love and effort you put into it will probably only be best appreciated by that person, you.
    Press here
  4. Djamahl's Avatar
    Did you happen to finish this? it sounds awesome
  5. Remedeez's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LindseyFan
    I wouldn't mind testing it in my homebrew campaign. Though it sounds like it would be doubly fun as a player... a rouge jeweller who sets up her own Etsy shop in Phlan...
    Haha! Etsy shop in Phlan! Love it!
  6. LindseyFan's Avatar
    I wouldn't mind testing it in my homebrew campaign. Though it sounds like it would be doubly fun as a player... a rouge jeweller who sets up her own Etsy shop in Phlan...
  7. Remedeez's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs
    Have you seen FantasyCraft by Crafty Games? It has some of what you describe here also.
    I've heard of it, but I always thought it was its own... standalone ruleset. Like Pathfinder. Or Sword & Sorcery. Or D&D 5E. Etc.
    I'd have to look into it more to see. Thanks!
  8. Nylanfs's Avatar
    Have you seen FantasyCraft by Crafty Games? It has some of what you describe here also.
  9. MarianDz's Avatar

    23-21-25-22-26-24= 6? not -95??
    21-22-23-24-25-26 = 6? not -99?
    something is wrong with my calculator!!!
    "something missing in the middle
    oh, boy maybe is it riddle?"
  10. MarianDz's Avatar
    Uff, your world is really big
  11. MarianDz's Avatar
    You are rare person "Remedeez", and maybe we need your angle of view and your version because another peoples and Im 100% sure has different. They read different books, blogs, attend portals, play different styles, has favourite different colours, using different words etc .... and idea which you have now in present time they can't have.
  12. Phystus's Avatar
    Don't worry about what other people do. Tell your own stories, and don't spend your time looking over your shoulder. Don't worry if someone else has made the "same" thing as you were thinking about. Make your thing anyway. It will be yours. And it will be different from theirs, because you're different from them.
  13. Phystus's Avatar
    Wow, nice work! It's a wonderful feeling to get so much done, isn't it? Even better, now that you have it you can keep using it for as long as you continue gaming. I'm still using the campaign world I created almost 30 years ago. It really makes the time I spent then seem worthwhile. Keep up the good work!
  14. LindseyFan's Avatar
    Does your creative talent have peanut butter? Because I am jelly!
  15. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Careful Rem, I think LFan is just a tease!

    I've found that its best to create for only one person. Because the time, love and effort you put into it will probably only be best appreciated by that person, you.

    Not to say don't create and share, but rather your inspiration and your motivation should come from the reward you get by creating, not by the praise or profit you might garner.
  16. LindseyFan's Avatar
    I love your thoughts whenever I find them, Rem. I need a way to follow you!

    If you are the Queen of Homebrew, that makes me a baroness then. I recently found a trick to help me figure out new D&D creative ideas... I will have to PM you it because of I posted here, then everyone will know and you will be back at the same place! Lol
  17. mhorgunn's Avatar
    I have heard it said that there is nothing new under the sun. And I feel your pain. You are not alone in finding that one's brilliant idea has already been thunk of. But then, wen you get down to it, there are only really 5 stories. And when you take in account "Boy meets girl," "Boy looses girl," and of course "Boy finds girl," that only leaves two left. Sorry just being silly ... Seriously remember the words of Piccasso.

    "Good artists copy ... Great artist steal."

    Take what you want, give it a twist, make it your own. if nothing else this led you to blogging and that was a good idea. Keep'em coming!
  18. Remedeez's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails
    Actually, depending upon what you've done so far, you wouldn't have to prune anything depending upon how you distribute it.

    For instance, if you distribute via the DMsGuild, then you can include info (items etc) from the DMG (or other official source) so it wouldn't matter.

    If you distribute elsewhere (including the forum), if you include the OGL, then you can still provide links to official source items (i.e. a link to a magic item in the DMG, but not a copy of the item itself). Rob2e does this with his 5e Random Monster Tables (though he distributes through the DMsG).

    PM me if you want my help figuring it out.

    Most definitely! When I finish it up I'll hunt you down and have you take a looksie and give me advice on where to go with it from there, if you don't mind.
  19. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Remedeez
    I thought of making this into a full-blown module, and all that would entail. At the moment I'm really on the fence about it. Not because I don't like sharing, mind you. I love sharing. I love open-source, available to the public, 100% FREE content, and contributing to those too! The reason I'm on the fence is that a lot of the items I've made formulae ("recipes") for come from the DMG, particularly the items of the magically enhanced variety. So in order to make this into a shareable module I'd have to prune out so much stuff that comes from the DMG, and then it would probably end up being... really lackluster. Again, something I'm still considering doing, of course! I just have to find a way to do it that delivers in a way that is satisfying. I hope that all made sense?

    I do like the idea of the titles "journeyman" and "tradesman" and I might just employ those. Thank you!
    Actually, depending upon what you've done so far, you wouldn't have to prune anything depending upon how you distribute it.

    For instance, if you distribute via the DMsGuild, then you can include info (items etc) from the DMG (or other official source) so it wouldn't matter.

    If you distribute elsewhere (including the forum), if you include the OGL, then you can still provide links to official source items (i.e. a link to a magic item in the DMG, but not a copy of the item itself). Rob2e does this with his 5e Random Monster Tables (though he distributes through the DMsG).

    PM me if you want my help figuring it out.
  20. Remedeez's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails
    Really like the thought you've put into this. I would suggest when you finish it, you turn it into a module so you can share your hard work and benefit us all. I know I would appreciate it

    One suggestion, change the skill level names from skilled and professional to journeyman and tradesman. I think you'll find those names (at least for me) to be more medieval and fantasy themed. You also might want to spend a little more time looking up crafting / profession names. I've seen some really goods one on the net, but not sure where.
    I thought of making this into a full-blown module, and all that would entail. At the moment I'm really on the fence about it. Not because I don't like sharing, mind you. I love sharing. I love open-source, available to the public, 100% FREE content, and contributing to those too! The reason I'm on the fence is that a lot of the items I've made formulae ("recipes") for come from the DMG, particularly the items of the magically enhanced variety. So in order to make this into a shareable module I'd have to prune out so much stuff that comes from the DMG, and then it would probably end up being... really lackluster. Again, something I'm still considering doing, of course! I just have to find a way to do it that delivers in a way that is satisfying. I hope that all made sense?

    I do like the idea of the titles "journeyman" and "tradesman" and I might just employ those. Thank you!
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