Blog Comments

  1. Niles's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rob2e
    Niles. Great to meet a fellow Spokanite. We should totally have lunch. Please email me if you would like to.
    rob DOT twohy AT gmail DOT com
    Rob, sounds good! Check your email.
  2. rob2e's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Niles
    Great read, Rob. So sorry about your mom passing away. I'm a fellow Spokanite too, live in Airway Heights and work at the Spokane airport for Alaska Airlines. Thanks for sharing your story!
    Niles. Great to meet a fellow Spokanite. We should totally have lunch. Please email me if you would like to.
    rob DOT twohy AT gmail DOT com
  3. Niles's Avatar
    Great read, Rob. So sorry about your mom passing away. I'm a fellow Spokanite too, live in Airway Heights and work at the Spokane airport for Alaska Airlines. Thanks for sharing your story!
  4. rob2e's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Frunobulax
    Oops I take it back, the image is showing now. Sorry.
  5. Frunobulax's Avatar
    Oops I take it back, the image is showing now. Sorry.
  6. Frunobulax's Avatar
    Hey rob2e, THANKS for this, but unfortunately the FG forum is not showing the image you linked. It says the link is invalid when I click on it. Perhaps you could describe how to do it in words, or put up a new image? I want to automate my Viscous Mockery. Thanks!
  7. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Glad to hear Rob, happy to hear you are doing so well. You contribute a great deal to the community, and it is appreciated!
  8. rob2e's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade
    As someone who buys a lot of your stuff, I had wondered how long it took you to get into FG. Only since 2015. Wow. that explains why your first bundle is from 2016, lol.
    Ya, I started creating only about 3 months after discovering FG.

    ...and THANX for your support GavinRuneblade!
  9. GavinRuneblade's Avatar
    As someone who buys a lot of your stuff, I had wondered how long it took you to get into FG. Only since 2015. Wow. that explains why your first bundle is from 2016, lol.
  10. rob2e's Avatar
    Here's the link to the INSANITY [BUNDLE] post...

  11. Raddu's Avatar
    This is a great story Rob. Thanks for sharing!
  12. brokenbikez's Avatar
    Thanks for sharing
  13. ZoeyBanes's Avatar
    Thanks for sharing
    Updated September 16th, 2017 at 18:50 by rob2e
  14. rob2e's Avatar
    ThanX everyone for your nice comments!
  15. rob2e's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison
    We are glad to have you in the community!

    Also, it's been fun gaming with you so far as well.
    It's my privilege Doug(las?)!
  16. LordEntrails's Avatar
    I've got to get back into looking at all this stuff. The traps is of great interest to me
  17. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Thanks for sharing. And keep up your publishing on the DMsG, Good stuff Maynard!
  18. ddavison's Avatar
    We are glad to have you in the community!

    Also, it's been fun gaming with you so far as well.
  19. rob2e's Avatar
    Here's a list of all my projects - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...bo0/edit#gid=0
  20. rob2e's Avatar
    Here's the link for Discord - https://discord.gg/77AuRY
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