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Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!"

My blog entries will focus on my experiences using the Fantasy Grounds software, being a part of its online community, and various other semi-ralated things...

  1. How Smiteworks and Fantasy Grounds CHANGED (SAVED?) MY LIFE!

    by , September 7th, 2017 at 20:16 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Hey, everyone.

    Those that know me already have this information, but some may not know...

    Three years ago in August 2014, I had a liver transplant. While I was under the knife for 11 hours, my mother passed away. DURING SURGERY! Amazing. Tragic.

    I had my surgery in Seattle, I was in the hospital 58 days. I came back to Spokane on Thanksgiving 2014 and proceeded to start my recovery through the holidays. I spent the first 3/4 of 2015 "looking ...

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