Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. My PERSONAL State of the Union for Fantasy Grounds

    by , December 18th, 2019 at 18:18 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Hey everyone.

    I just wanted to do a State of the Fantasy Grounds Union blog. At least for me.

    For anyone who has heard my name, you know that I am HEAVILY involved in the community. Fantasy Grounds really did save my life, see previous blog entry.

    As 2019 closes out, I have been reflecting on what exactly my involvement has been in the last 4 years...

    This will seem (and perhaps is intended to be) a bit self-congratulatory but only because ...

    Updated April 9th, 2021 at 18:42 by rob2e

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  2. How Smiteworks and Fantasy Grounds CHANGED (SAVED?) MY LIFE!

    by , September 7th, 2017 at 20:16 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Hey, everyone.

    Those that know me already have this information, but some may not know...

    Three years ago in August 2014, I had a liver transplant. While I was under the knife for 11 hours, my mother passed away. DURING SURGERY! Amazing. Tragic.

    I had my surgery in Seattle, I was in the hospital 58 days. I came back to Spokane on Thanksgiving 2014 and proceeded to start my recovery through the holidays. I spent the first 3/4 of 2015 "looking ...
  3. The Twitch All Stars (self-proclaimed) have been playing D&D with Doug Davison

    by , July 11th, 2017 at 10:03 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Hey, everyone. Been away from the blog for a few months. Busy, busy!

    For those that don't know, on Wednesday Nights, there is a D&D 5E Game of Tales from the Yawning Portal being played live on Twitch. This game has a DM and 6 players.

    We call ourselves The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.


    Doug Davison (president of Smiteworks / Fantasy Grounds)
    The Digital Dungeon Master (Twitch broadcaster)
    FSHSchmo (Twitch ...

    Updated July 11th, 2017 at 10:07 by rob2e

  4. People are complaining to me...

    by , February 6th, 2017 at 08:36 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    ...via email, etc. that I am not doing a good job of advertising my wares at the DMs Guild. I thought I was doing a pretty good job, what with Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, and these forums, but apparently the "why didn't I know about this" emails keep coming my way. All items can be found by clicking the DMs Guild in my signature below.

    In an effort to make it known what I've done in the last 13 months - here's the scoop:


    1. 100 CRIT /

    Updated September 8th, 2017 at 23:28 by rob2e

  5. Twitch featured my channel using Fantasy Grounds, and it was HUGE!

    by , December 15th, 2016 at 04:52 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Twitch contacted me a few weeks ago and explained they were wanting to spotlight RPG channels, and would I be interested. It entailed being featured on the front page of the Twitch website for two hours. I said sure. I prepared my Twitch channel, made sure all my proper links were set up, got a chat command to point people to when they would inevitably ask, "What is this? What program are you using?"

    It was crazy. I topped out at 1,258 concurrent ...

    Updated December 17th, 2016 at 22:40 by rob2e

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