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Storm King's Thunder

Regarding Season 5, Storm King's Thunder

  1. Introductions and Season 5 Announcements

    Greetings and Salutations, Adventurers.

    Let me introduce myself. I am Brynnan the High, an ancient High Elf Wizard some 700 years old: Master of High Magics and a PortalMaster of the Planes. In the Mundane Plane, I am known as Bryan Britt and I am your newly-appointed Local Coordinator for Fantasy Grounds for the Adventurers League, Online Region. I am here to answer any questions I can about D&D Adventurers League and playing AL Legal games on Fantasy Grounds. Feel free to ...

    Updated August 14th, 2016 at 07:01 by Brynnan

    Adventurers League , Storm King's Thunder
Fantasy Grounds Merchandise

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