Blog Comments

  1. MarianDz's Avatar
    very interesting, thanks for Idea
  2. MarianDz's Avatar
  3. dulux-oz's Avatar
    Nice entry - brought back a few memories of "helping" out my own players.

    The two greatest curses of all time:

    1) May you live in interesting times.

    2) Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it.

    And a corollary to the above:

    a) Be wary of the GM, for they are quick to give you what you want, in very interesting ways.
  4. GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
    Nice find, I have never seen that one before but I have used the one for the HarnMaster system before.
  5. mhorgunn's Avatar
    Just to satisfy the curious ... Droop poops two coins a day at present.
  6. Nylanfs's Avatar
    heh Sounds like fun.
  7. LordEntrails's Avatar
    I agree, nicely done. Might be a little doodle to you, but proportions and coloring are all well done. I too would hope to see the original.
  8. dulux-oz's Avatar
    I wanna see the original!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAA!!!!!!

    Serious, nice work. Do you do commissions, or would you consider such a thing?
  9. Phystus's Avatar
    Great idea! Once they have their fancy badges, you can bring in a group of NPC's with even fancier badges. Presto, instant rivals! Love it!

  10. MarianDz's Avatar
    nice part
  11. dulux-oz's Avatar
    I'm big on Heraldry (there's a book manuscript lying around here somewhere... must get back to it...) and so I have my players' characters come up with "real" Heraldic Achievements (& make them pay the Houses of Heraldry for the "privilege"). Not only does it inspire all the good things Mhorgunn mentions above, but it really suits the FRPG "feel" to use "real" heraldry (the rules, not actual IRL Achievements).

    And drawing them is a snap - not only are there a plethora of free online programs (although a lot of them are terrible in following the "rules") but I also use CC3 (and other graphics packages) to draw them up.

    So yeah, get your players more into the game by awarding them "Achievements" other than just plain ol' gold
  12. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Sounds like a good time
  13. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Good to hear about another convert. And you tell a captivating story.

    I like that skeleton idea. A lot, I'm going to to steal, err, appropriate it for my own!
  14. MarianDz's Avatar
    continue, continue ...
  15. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Tease! Now I want to know what he does *G*
  16. MarianDz's Avatar
    Thanx for good reading
  17. mhorgunn's Avatar
  18. MarianDz's Avatar
    My was bat followed with rat
  19. MarianDz's Avatar
    I have very good feeling from your work, my friend "Mhogunn" please continue in Blogging
  20. MarianDz's Avatar
    I hold my fingers crossed when I read this your experiences, wish you luck my friend "Mhorgunn"
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