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  1. How to create interesting PC

    There's plenty of guide on how to optimize character for most damage or utility but very few on to write a background story. Playing a rogue wearing dark cloth who is an orphan is boring.

    Even orphan had parents who died for a reason, had jobs, relatives, you get adoptives parents,... but let say you do have parents, are they farmers, merchants or minor nobility.
    A son of farmers may go an adventure to get coins to help his family, he may wear the chain mail of his grandfather ...
  2. Campaign building 101

    The common mistake when building a first campaign is to start too big. You are full of ideas, write pages and pages of notes that too often you never got to use.

    You really only need the basic for the first adventure. First a location often a village. What do you really need to know about that village. Let's call our village Douland.

    In Douland you can find a mill near the river, a small inn where the farmers go get a drink after a day of work with a few rooms for ...
  3. Open door, kill monster, loots and repeat.

    Many of us started role playing games that way, we would enter a dungeons/ruins/castle for some reason, explore rooms after rooms, killing monsters along the way for loots. Then go back to town, sell the loots for gold and buy nice gear for our characters so we can do it again.

    It was the way most of D&D adventure were created 30 years ago, many new players coming from computer game think like that too, and there's nothing wrong if that's the kind of game you want to play. I have ...

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