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Virtual Scribe Reviews

Herein I will be posting reviews of products made for Fantasy Grounds.

  1. Tomb of Annihilation by Wizard of the Coast

    Screen Shot 09-10-17 at 09.21 PM.PNG

    First Impressions: 4 Stars, 42/50 Points
    I’m really excited about this adventure and I really like how this product has been arranged in Fantasy Grounds. Simply put, there is a massive amount of content that has been expertly put together into what promises to be an exciting adventure and a great resource for expansion and/or homebrew creation.

    The DM and Player ...

    Updated September 11th, 2017 at 06:59 by LordEntrails

    Review , Adventures
  2. Magic Shop & Random Item Rarity Tables by Rob Twohy

    First Impressions: 4 Stars, 40/50 Points
    I really like what Rob has done with these tables. He has sliced and diced the magic item tables from the DMG (and the SRD) all sorts of ways to make it easy for a DM to find or randomly generate magic items. There are a few minor flaws here and there, but nothing that hinders the useful of this module. The key to using this module is to read the Instructions ...
    Review , GM Tools
  3. DOE Base Extension by Dulux-Oz

    DOE Base Extension v2.2 by Dulux-Oz

    First Impressions: 5 Stars, 47/50 Points
    For users, this extension isn’t very interesting and by itself is minimally useful. But, for every user that wants to do more with FG and leverage the wonderfully powerful DOE extensions like Sound (my favorite), this is simple a required must have. It is executed and supported nearly flawlessly and I consider it to be ...

    Updated January 4th, 2017 at 06:00 by LordEntrails

    Tags: doe, extension, review
    Review , Extensions
  4. Virtual Scribe Reviews

    Inspired by various discussion and complaints of the lack of reviews and feedback for prospective buyers and authors, I have decided to step in and provide critical reviews of RPG products that have Fantasy Grounds modules. My goal is to provide concise, critical, and constructive reviews of products created for Fantasy Grounds so that a) prospective buyers will be able to make informed decisions before buying a product, and b) so that authors can receive useful feedback to help improve their current ...

    Updated February 7th, 2017 at 03:34 by LordEntrails


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