Blog Comments

  1. pindercarl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigil
    For LOS, and vision, will you be able to have more than one type of vision active? For instance in Pathfinder Characters with darkvision (dwarves and half-orcs) can see lit areas normally as well as dark areas within 60 feet.. Some other programs only allow you to either select dark vision or normal vision.
    It's a possibility. The rendering pipeline for line-of-sight is still in progress. It is something on the list to investigate.
  2. Sigil's Avatar
    For LOS, and vision, will you be able to have more than one type of vision active? For instance in Pathfinder Characters with darkvision (dwarves and half-orcs) can see lit areas normally as well as dark areas within 60 feet.. Some other programs only allow you to either select dark vision or normal vision.
  3. celestian's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl
    The WYSIWYG sheet editor in Tabletop Connect is one of the features that attracted Smiteworks to the property. The underlying structure of Fantasy Grounds is very different that Tabletop Connect, so I can't comment on exactly what features will be available. However, you can expect significant improvements in the creation and layout of character sheets in FGU.
    That's exactly what I'm hoping for. I don't have an issue coding the backend lua bits but for whatever reason I spend 10x more time on trying to get layouts looking good and the way I want them.
  4. pindercarl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by celestian
    Dunno if you can speak on this yet but I am curious. Will there be improvements in the way people create sheets/etc? Currently it's all by hand through xml/lua. If your previous Tabletop project (Carl) you were able to take a scanned image of a sheet and then place input locations on that. I found that amazingly inspiring. That would make creating a "ruleset" very trivial IMO and well worth it in my book.

    Looking forward to seeing what you guys are doing.
    The WYSIWYG sheet editor in Tabletop Connect is one of the features that attracted Smiteworks to the property. The underlying structure of Fantasy Grounds is very different that Tabletop Connect, so I can't comment on exactly what features will be available. However, you can expect significant improvements in the creation and layout of character sheets in FGU.
  5. celestian's Avatar
    Dunno if you can speak on this yet but I am curious. Will there be improvements in the way people create sheets/etc? Currently it's all by hand through xml/lua. If your previous Tabletop project (Carl) you were able to take a scanned image of a sheet and then place input locations on that. I found that amazingly inspiring. That would make creating a "ruleset" very trivial IMO and well worth it in my book.

    Looking forward to seeing what you guys are doing.
  6. pindercarl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails
    I'm not sure it's of much value to the community or if you are willing to share, but I'm very curious; have you decided what tools will be available for determining obstructions? i.e. using the alpha channel, or using a "fill" like tool, or drawing polygons, or...?
    No decisions have been made on the exact tools that will be available. It will likely be a hybrid approach of polygons or image based. In the follow-up video an alpha channel is traced to create a polygonal mask.
  7. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl
    ... LOS is a solved problem, ....
    I'm not sure it's of much value to the community or if you are willing to share, but I'm very curious; have you decided what tools will be available for determining obstructions? i.e. using the alpha channel, or using a "fill" like tool, or drawing polygons, or...?
  8. pindercarl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by seycyrus
    One thing I'd like to mention regarding LOS is that different characters will most likely have different ranges on their LOS, whether it be due to a racial trait, or type of light source carried (torch, lantern, wand etc.). It would be useful if the GM could somehow "see" what the different LOSs are for different characters. Is this possible? Is it handled this way in roll20 pro?
    Variations of LOS are, I believe, handled in Roll20 by restricting the range of LOS calculations, as well as applying a mask to the rendered LOS. There are lots of options that can be applied to 2D LOS: falloff masks, color tinting, etc. I'm certain we will be implementing those types of features. 2D LOS is a solved problem, and part of the reason that I spent a weekend putting it together—to illustrate that we will be able to add new features in FGU, especially in image processing. I was also looking to take a break from whatever low-level feature I was working on at the time.

    There are other features, that I consider must-haves, that are not "solved problems." Rather they become applications of existing technologies to Fantasy Grounds given its unique requirements and characteristics. Using the LOS to "chip way" at the FOW, is a good example. Erasing the FOW based on player visibility is not difficult. However, it is important to consider that the FOW must be consistent between the GM and the players. Additionally, this raises the question of whether different players with have unique FOW based on their local LOS. Further, in this case, how does the GM visualize the combined, as well as separate, FOW overlays. All of this is doable, but each decision has a number of dependencies and cumulative effects.
  9. seycyrus's Avatar
    One thing I'd like to mention regarding LOS is that different characters will most likely have different ranges on their LOS, whether it be due to a racial trait, or type of light source carried (torch, lantern, wand etc.). It would be useful if the GM could somehow "see" what the different LOSs are for different characters. Is this possible? Is it handled this way in roll20 pro?
  10. demonsbane's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl
    The drawing tools will be overhauled, but we don't know yet what that will look like.
    For what is worth, so far I've been loving pressure sensitivity for pen tablets inside Fantasy Grounds. It's great for sketchs on the fly, very "paper and pencil".
  11. Paranormal GM's Avatar

    Looking good. Dont forget that LoS needs to be able to handle open/closed doors and the ability to adjust for that on the fly.
  12. Phystus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl
    The drawing tools will be overhauled, but we don't know yet what that will look like.
    That's the second bit of good news from this post!

    The LOS preview looks really cool. Nice work! I'll be very glad to see the improved drawing tools as well. Even some very basic improvements like multiple colors and line width would be a big help.

    BTW, it was very nice to meet you at GenCon.
  13. MarianDz's Avatar
    Great 2,8 seconds isn't bad.
    Mr. pindercarl you filled us with hope thanx for your hard work and another info's about LOS evolution.
    Updated August 24th, 2016 at 21:27 by MarianDz
  14. pindercarl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by demonsbane
    It looks great.

    I wonder if it will be possible to arrange the LOS trace inside the FG app, with the drawing tools, without needing an external app like Photoshop.
    The drawing tools will be overhauled, but we don't know yet what that will look like.
  15. demonsbane's Avatar
    It looks great.

    I wonder if it will be possible to arrange the LOS trace inside the FG app, with the drawing tools, without needing an external app like Photoshop.
  16. damned's Avatar
    Woohoo! Nice work Carl.
  17. ddavison's Avatar
    Magic Wand is soooo very nice. Great work, as always!
  18. Xydonus's Avatar

    Granted, most of my maps are over the 1mb threshold, usually around 6-8mb. I usually require a certain standard of quality for my maps and I make most of the maps myself so the size represents the detail in them. It's a small price to pay but one I'm willing to pay, and something that I've put to a vote to my players before.

    But the masking feature lagging for maps over the 1mb threshold is fairly poor. I'm hoping that the move to unity will improve all this and increase the usual limits and allow faster response for larger maps.
  19. LordEntrails's Avatar
    @Xydonus, how large are your images? The only time I've experience lag or instability using the current mask is when I'm using really large images. And then it's because I'm sharing so much info with multiple users that that the program stalls while it is sharing all of the unmasked info to all of the users. If using images less than 1MB you shouldn't see problems unless your network upload speed is poor.
  20. Xydonus's Avatar
    Surprised to see a demo of the dynamic lighting. I'd figured something like that would still be sometime off, even in prototype stages. Good to see though that its coming along nicely.

    To be perfectly blunt, the dynamic lighting is needed, as well as an improvement over the existing FG masking feature which I think is more of an engine issue than anything else. As long as I've had FG Ultimate, I've had nothing but grief using the masking feature. It's laggy, its unresponsive and it causes FG to crash if you attempt to unmask too much. If your in the middle of masking/unmasking, it tends to freeze the client for everyone, and if someone 'clicks' on something, it causes their program to crash as well.

    So yes, I'm looking forward to hopefully a lag-free feature that will do away with the need of masking. But I would also like to see improvements done on the current masking.
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