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The Mortar Pit

  1. FG 3.2.0 "Pregens" and "Archetypes"

    I know that FG 3.2.0 isn't going to come out until after FG-Con in October, but I have already seen discussion on this topic so I thought I would throw some info out there.

    First, Eric Lamoureux (Mask_of_Winter) posted a great overview video last night. You can check out on his YouTube channel here.

    I am going to ramble on a bit about the pregen and archetype changes coming in the next update. Now this a huge update, JPG at SmiteWorks has done a ton work for this. After ...
  2. Updates....and a bit more about "An Adventure Most Fowl"

    Yes, you read that correctly....projects finished up and projects started.

    Like I said its been a really crazy ten days, both in my personal situation and my piece of the RPG world since I posted I was going to start The Last Parsec. Today's post is focusing on the last bit - my corner of RPG-dom. Its going to be a long post too folks!

    Winter Eternal has been reviewed by James, and I fixed the issues and resubmitted the modules about 8 hours later. (I have no ...
  3. Winter Eternal, Weird Wars Rome updates and a theme, plus the next project.

    Its really funny how that old cliche "you don't know what you have until its gone" continues to ring true. In my case, its more I didn't realize how much stuff I actually did on my old laptop until it finally gave stopped working. I did almost all my conversion work on it, moving to the main computer occasionally. Generally, any image work tended to be on my main rig as it was far more capable than the old laptop for that stuff.

    Needless to say, after the death of that ...
  4. Winter Eternal News

    I really need to do more regular updates than once every couple of weeks. It has been a wild two and half weeks though, filled with a pile of good news and one tiny tidbit of not quite good news - but not really bad news either.

    So first that one piece of "bad" news; until at least the end of August I have very limited availability for gaming during the night time hours and occasional time during the day. I have been working with an occupational therapist to re-acclimatize ...
  5. Almost a whole month since my last update

    It has been a "little" bit of time since I posted any news here on the progress I have (or haven't) made with the both the Winter Eternal and Weird Wars Rome conversions. So here is the latest "breaking news".

    First, on the Weird Wars Rome front, the modules are now in the hands the Production Coordinator at SmiteWorks and I have fixed the errors that he reported to me and sent back the fixed version. The rate that James has been kicking new products out the door, ...
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