Fantasy Grounds Merchandise

Blog Comments

  1. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Thanks Doug! You know some of us eat this up. Amazing to see the growth!
  2. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LFlo
    Nice chart and data. i'm a new guy in fantasy grounds any advice?
    Checkout the user forums;
    Also FG College, You Tube, and Discord.
  3. LFlo's Avatar
    Nice chart and data. i'm a new guy in fantasy grounds any advice?
  4. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Thanks Doug, always I interesting.
  5. MadBeardMan's Avatar
    Interesting reading. Seems Traveller 1E does ok, so perhaps I need to figure out how to publicise it, though with Traveller 2E I've already started putting it out there and fingers crossed it gets a larger slice next year!
  6. TimSmyth's Avatar
    Thanks for your consideration!
  7. MadBeardMan's Avatar
    It's a shame I don't live in the US, otherwise I'd have jumped at it.
  8. ddavison's Avatar
    We have just hired two new people to join the team. We opted for hiring on two different people in the role of Ruleset Developer. They may dabble a bit in content creation as a Module Conversion Specialist as well.

    We plan to hold off on any future hires for the immediate term and then we may re-visit the applications we received for the other roles again at that time. Thanks again for your interest. We had a lot of great candidates.

    The new hires are Dominic Morta and Hollis Gray.
  9. TimSmyth's Avatar
    Oh, that's cool! SmiteWorks just does such big things, it's easy to forget that you guys are a small organization. I was just worried I missed it!

    Whoever you hire for Ruleset, please get someone who will make us a Shadow of the Demon Lord and Blades in the Dark official ruleset so I can put that money in your pocket!
  10. ddavison's Avatar
    Thanks for the interest. We are conducting interviews this week and next week. Our focus has moved over mostly to the Ruleset Developer for our first hire.
  11. TimSmyth's Avatar
    Has there been any news on this front? I remember seeing that y'all had hoped to get through the resumes by the end of July, so I'm dying to hear more about it! Thanks!

    - Tim
  12. Allyx's Avatar
    I would love to be the module conversion specialist, I've done a few one shots and Pathfinder Society Scenarios so far, but there are many many more to do, but being a UK resident I guess I'm out of luck.
  13. sujifae's Avatar
    Oh, nice! I would love to be the Module Conversion Specialist! I'm applying right now.
  14. EbbCubed's Avatar
    If only I could do this remotely... I'd love to apply for the Module Conversion. Oh well, I'm sure you'll find someone more qualified than I am for the role.
  15. jmucchiello's Avatar
    Where was this when I was looking for a job??
  16. ddavison's Avatar
    This is a group account through gmail and they have some heavy handed spam detection that occasionally flags legitimate email. You can email it me directly at [email protected].
  17. wrongholt's Avatar
    Can't send email to the [email protected] says it blocking because of spam.
  18. jwatmough's Avatar
    Thank you so much! I am so very excited to be working with such a great team.
  19. Doswelk's Avatar
    When you can hire people outside USA let me know
  20. FG_Dave's Avatar
    Welcome to the team Joshua!
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