Blog Comments

  1. Kitilark's Avatar
    I realize this Blog is a year old, but I just had to say, as a very new member, and future DM it is one of the most helpful things I've read. I can see I am going to have to expand my teckie side and maybe even learn to Blog. My goal is to make this the kind of experience I remember from dark ages of AD&D; when 30 or so of my closest acquaintances and friends would get together for game night. Thanks for doing the work, Mask of Winter, I plan on making it a must follow - for my future LFG posts. Happy Gaming Kitty
  2. whiteTiki's Avatar
    What about recruiting in a language that it’s not English?

    Fantasy Grounds is so limited on this aspect. So, If you’re a guy trying to find out some players for them to join your campaign, I’ll help you with that:

    1.- Go to Roll20 and make a single payment for $2.99 , this will initiate a subscription.
    2.- Make sure to have an ultimate subscription with FG
    3.- Immediately after, cancel your subscription and now you’ll have one month for recruiting
    4.- Open a public game and describe it using Mask of Winter’s guide
    5.- Wait for it to fill up, warn everybody that they’ll need to download FG to play. You can even put it on the description
    6.- Enjoy your game!

    I have made tests for Pathfinder campaigns and 5e campaigns and this are the results for filling up a 6ppl party:
    French - 2-3 days
    German – 2-3 days
    Spanish – 1-2 days
    Chinese – 1-2 days
  3. dulux-oz's Avatar
    As an adjunct to this extremely useful and well thought out post (well done Mask), let me mention some blatant self-promotion and draw people's attention to a Tool I developed (as an Extension) which should help in your endeavors to find a Game and/or Players - the Campaign Style Graph.

    This is a tool that show people visually the Style of your desired or expected game - the amount of Role-Playing vs Combat vs Problem Solving - I have found that over the years if I (as the GM) specify the relative amounts of each of these three aspects of the hobby I expect to have in my game/campaign it helps set everyone's expectations and makes recruiting that much easier.

    Jut my $0.02 worth, Cheers

    (Another Shameless-Plug(TM) brought to you by Dulux-Oz)
  4. Mask_of_winter's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Morgentaler
    Nicely done..maps a nightmare..that I'm slowly mastering..now about them custom skins..is there a where? And how to?
    Absolutely. Here's a tutorial I shot earlier this year that should get you going: http://youtu.be/iQogq06PJHM
  5. Morgentaler's Avatar
    Nicely done..maps a nightmare..that I'm slowly mastering..now about them custom skins..is there a where? And how to?
  6. Mask_of_winter's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Drafter
    Really nice article, and immensely helpful as well. As I'm still new, it gave me much food for thought. Thanks!
    You're welcome. Thanks for taking the time to give feedback.
  7. Drafter's Avatar
    Really nice article, and immensely helpful as well. As I'm still new, it gave me much food for thought. Thanks!

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