Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. Reuniting the Band: Mapping it Out

    Until I started using Fantasy Grounds, my maps has usually been drawn freehand on either graph paper (for buildings and dungeons) or hex paper (for area maps). Most of these were simple, pencilled floorplans, though I would sometimes break out the colored pencils for area maps.

    When I started the FG campaign I initially planned to simply continue drawing my maps by hand and running them through the scanner. But as soon as I tried it I could see the results were less than stellar.
  2. Reuniting the Band: Voices In My Head

    When I ran our early demos to kick the tires on Fantasy Grounds the structure of the demo version was different than it is today. Back then it was actually a different version than the paid software. With the demo you could only have 2 connections to the GM, and you could only run D&D 3.5. Since my wife was the only person in the group besides myself who had any experience with 3.5, she signed on each time to help the other player deal with the new rules, and as she gained experience with ...
  3. Reuniting the Band: It's About Time!

    My initial email blast to my old players and select friends generated quite a bit of response. One person declined (and one never replied), but everyone else seemed enthused. Most of them had been getting even less gaming than my wife and I, and they were pretty excited to have a chance to game and socialize with old friends in faraway places.

    But the next question was invariably “When do you want to play?” And that’s where the trouble started.

    One guy lived on
  4. Reuniting the Band: The Beginning

    When I saw a demonstration of Fantasy Grounds at Gencon in 2008, it kindled a fire that had been smouldering for quite a long time.

    Back in 1990 I had moved to Indiana, and I had to put my D&D campaign into permanent hiatus. We had been working out an interesting storyline, and I was quite sorry that we had to leave it unresolved. But the call of new real-life adventures had to outweigh the call of fantasy adventures, and off I went to a new city and a new career. Nevertheless,

    Updated March 28th, 2016 at 16:34 by Phystus

  5. Who is this guy?

    Hello everyone! This will just be a short post to let you know who I am, and why I’m here.

    My name is Walt, and I’ve been playing and running RPG’s for a long time. I got started with D&D back in 1979, using the original books plus Holmes Basic, and I started as a DM in 1981. I’ve played or run at least 25 systems, and in a range of genres, but the great bulk of my GM experience is with AD&D (1st edition) and D&D 3.5.

    I run homebrew settings almost exclusively.
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