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  1. Go Outside and Play!

    I know last time I promised to talk about how mapping has changed through the years, but I changed my mind. I had nearly completed the article about old-school mapping, but after I re-read it I realized that it wasn’t going to be terribly helpful to most people. Sure, it’s fun to talk about the old days, but if you weren’t a gamer back in the 1970's it just sounds like the blathering of an Old One. So rather than forcing my younger readers to make a Sanity check, I decided to talk about something ...

    Updated August 16th, 2016 at 12:48 by Phystus

    Tags: mapping, outdoor
  2. Sidebar: Map Scale - Size does matter! (Part 2 of 2)

    This is a continuation of the previous post about map size. It turns out blog size is important too, and the full post exceeded the allowable size, so I had to split it. You can see part one here...

    Map Area

    The other factor that influences the size of a map file is the size of the area your map covers. You’ve probably already figured out that, if all other factors are equal, a map that’s 50 squares on a side is four times as large as one that’s 25
    Tags: mapping, tokens
  3. Sidebar: Mapping Scale - Size does matter! (Part 1 of 2)

    Today’s entry isn’t specifically about my group’s journey from a physical tabletop, to long hiatus, to a virtual tabletop with Fantasy Grounds. But my last post about tokens raised some points about scaling that I wanted to explore further. This will be a long post, so get something to drink, settle into a comfy chair and let’s get started.

    If you frequent the Fantasy Grounds forum, you’ll see people discuss map size from time to time. Usually the discussion centers around the
    Tags: mapping, tokens
  4. Reuniting the Band: A Token Effort

    Now that I had workable maps, it was time to get some tokens. Back in the day, when my group used to play face-to-face we were using 1st edition AD&D rules, and minis and battle maps weren’t terribly necessary. Back in those days I was a poor college student (and then a poor University employee) and I couldn’t afford to purchase minis. I had a few, but I also lacked the talent to paint them well, so I never used them, and none of my friends used minis either. I did have some cardboard figures ...
    Tags: reuniting, tokens
  5. Reuniting the Band - Mapping the Dungeon

    In my previous post I wrote about the difficulties I had with scanning my old campaign area maps from paper into a digital form so I could use them in FG. As you’ll recall, it didn’t go very well. But of course, campaign maps aren’t the only maps we have to deal with as a GM. We have to make dungeon maps as well. And while I was scanning maps, I scanned some dungeon maps along with the campaign maps to see how that would go.

    I’m sorry to report it went even more poorly than had ...
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