View Full Version : Brand new player

September 13th, 2012, 11:28
Basically never really played any of these types of games played D&D like twice but people stopped being interested but this was many years ago.

So ive no idea of all the different games but am disinterest in this type of thing sounds stupid but how do i go about starting off? choosing what game to play and such

September 13th, 2012, 16:22
Hey there! Welcome aboard!

If you want to play a game, keep a look out in the forum for people announcing new games that they're starting up. For instance, there's a post in the Pathfinder forum regarding a new game, which you can find here. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17335) Pathfinder is very much like D&D from a number of years ago (3rd edition, if you're familiar with the editions that have been released), but streamlined and optimized.

If you played 4th edition D&D, that's a different experience and you should check out the 4e forums for new games.

Once you see one that you'd like to join in on, respond in the thread and get talking to the GM. Between the players, times will be worked out as to when the game is going to be played. You'll also need to discuss character archetypes and what you specifically would like to play the part of (wizard, thief, fighter, etc...)

When game time comes, start FG, enter in the host information and bingo, there you go.

Does that help?

September 18th, 2012, 17:16
Also consider how fast your typing speed is .. kind of an odd question I know :P but here's why I bring it up...

There are a fair number of slow typists on FG who strongly favor a lot of the game taking place over skype or some other voice chat program (skype is a free download as are a lot of these other voice chat programs ;) ) .... despite the voice thing it's still different than sitting around the table with your friends in that FG allows the GM to display maps, pics if the GM feels like it, combat is handled via the FG program as well as skill checks - it's actually a lot of fun !

If you're a semi-decent typist you might be interested in a game where voice chat isn't used at all or even if it is everything you do "in character" is typed (with voice chat being used to cover out of character stuff) which is a method a lot of GM's prefer too. It's helpful to ask the GM if he hasn't said so already what "method" he's using.

Headsets with mikes btw (and apologies if I'm insulting you by telling you something you already know :P ) can be purchased for under fifteen dollars online :)

FG takes persistence ! Be prepared for campaigns which never get off the ground.. they start then the GM finds himself unable to run them due to real life situations keeping the gamesmaster too busy or so many players flake (don't show) when the GM tries to run the game that the GM gives up in disgust... mind you there's every possibility you'll get lucky and the first campaign you join will go smoothly but if not keep trying ;) ...

There are some campaigns where "rules lawyers" are welcome.. however a lot of GM's feel (quite correctly in my opinion) that given FG game sessions can go slower than one would like them to (the big complaint), rules lawyers arguing with the GM over rules can make an already bad situation worse so that's something to keep in mind too ... also find out if the GM requires the characters to be good or at least neutral aligned (or if alignments aren't used what the GM is expecting from you - if you're all government agents and you're not the kind of player who's happy taking orders from some NPC organization you've got yourself a problem).. this is also a big point of contention, player characters acting more "evil" than the GM would like them to :P (some campaigns are very flexible on the morality thing and some aren't ) ...

I've found writing up a quick 2 or 3 paragraph "rough draft" of the character you'd like to play (personality, background) is most effective as far as getting a GM's attention when you reply to his post.. will probably take you 15 to 20 minutes tops and if it doesn't work out shrug your shoulders and move on to the next available game you're interested in :) ..

September 19th, 2012, 00:20
Basically never really played any of these types of games played D&D like twice but people stopped being interested but this was many years ago.

So ive no idea of all the different games but am disinterest in this type of thing sounds stupid but how do i go about starting off? choosing what game to play and such

A few questions to consider?

What type of games are you interested in? Fantasy, Sci Fi, Horror?
Are you looking to play in one-shot games or a longer running campaign?
Do you prefer combat or role-playing oriented games? Most games will have a mix of both, but if you prefer more over the other it is good to keep that in mind as it will (hopefully) allow you to find games you will enjoy more.
What timezone are you in and when are you free?

Also, look at some of the videos on the "Downloads" page - this will give you an idea of what the Fantasy Grounds application looks like and how it works for gaming.